STEM škola definirana je kao škola s jasnom STEM strategijom, koju karakteriziraju različiti ključni elementi i kriteriji.
Ova je definicija rezultat Izvješća europskih STEM škola koje se temelji na opsežnu pregledu literature i temeljitu procesu konzultacija s četiri skupine ključnih dionika u obrazovanju za prirodoslovlje, tehnologiju, inženjerstvo i matematiku (STEM). Ti ključni dionici su škole, STEM nastavnici, ministarstva obrazovanja i STEM industrije.
Kriteriji izvješća za „STEM škole“ identificiraju ključna područja koja mogu pomoći školama da napreduju i imaju jasniju strategiju za STEM obrazovanje. Posebno su ključna područja vezana uz nastavu, nastavni plan i program, ocjenjivanje, osoblje, vodstvo škole, društvene veze škole i školsku infrastrukturu.
For more information visit
Here at STEM School Label, we want to help schools meet all the criteria that define a STEM school. Thanks to the STEM School Label accreditation process, you can evaluate your school against a set of criteria to identify areas of strength and weakness, as well as to highlight aspects that need further development.
1. instruction 2. implementation of the curriculum 3. assessment 4. professionalization of staff 5. school leadership and culture 6. connections 7. school infrastructure
STEM School Label is a joint initiative of European Schoolnet, Ciencia Viva (Portugal), Maison pour la Science d'Alsace (France), Center for the Promotion of Science (Serbia) and Center for the Development of Education (Lithuania) launched in 2017 as an Erasmus + project. From 2021, all STEM School Label activities will continue within Scientix with funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
High visibility at national and European level through coordinated communication and dissemination activities on the European STEM School Label portal.
Recognition as a school that is ready to improve its level of STEM education and share its expertise.
Membership in the European network of STEM schools to encourage the development of STEM strategies at the school level.
Possibility to show the STEM school label in all promotional and informative materials of the school.
If you are just starting to use the STEM School Label, feel free to explore the public portal, read the latest news, discover resources and find out why the STEM School Label is relevant to your school. When you're ready, register to join the community, start reading the forums, get involved and start the accreditation process to get your tag!
To get the STEM School Label, you need to register first. In very broad terms, you will participate by sharing your knowledge and expertise through resources and case studies. Once you have prepared your self-assessment process based on the STEM School Label checklists, you can finally complete and submit your assessment questionnaire.
Once you get the label, it is valid for 18 months, and after 12 months you can repeat the evaluation process.
Based on your school’s STEM strategy and other factors assessed through the assessment process, you can receive one of the following labels:
Competent: Minimum practice of the STEM school strategy
Professional: a more advanced approach to STEM school strategy
Expert: excellent practice for all criteria of the STEM school strategy
Are you ready to get involved and support the development of the STEM strategy in your school? Read about STEM schools and how to exchange with other STEM schools.
Hackathon – (sastavljen od riječi hakiranje i maraton) događaj je ograničena trajanja u kojemu se timovi sastavljeni od tehničkih i poslovnih stručnjaka okupljaju kako bi intenzivno surađivali na kreativnim projektima.
Predstavljaju konkretne problema i izazove iz svakodnevnoga života i traže najinovativnije rješenje problema. Područje problema može biti manje ili više izazovno u odnosu na cilj inovacije i ne mora nužno uključivati tehnologiju (tehnologija je u većini slučajeva jedan od čimbenika).
Aktivnost se obično ostvaruje kroz fizičko i/ili virtualno sudjelovanje većeg broja vrlo vještih sudionika (tzv. hakera) koji mogu biti studenti, profesionalci, istraživači.
In modern human society, robots have a role similar to that predicted by scientists, philosophers and writers throughout history. Robots are performing more and more tasks instead of humans, and have become an indispensable part of modern human society and the initiators of the fourth industrial revolution. There is no longer a segment of human activity in which robots are not involved, from factory production lines, medical facilities, in the most dangerous places, in the depths of the sea and in the air, in laboratories, space stations and other planets, on battlefields, in fruit growing fields and vegetables, in homes as housekeepers and helpers, but also in educational institutions. Robotics has proven to be an influential learning tool, not only as a subject of study, but also for general aspects of science, technology, engineering, and math education (STEM). Robotics provides excellent opportunities for teaching computer science, computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and other engineering disciplines in schools and colleges. Also, robotics and STEM share some common characteristics, devices, to improve the ways of acquiring knowledge with learning through work and multidisciplinary learning, and to stimulate creative thinking through a constructivist approach.
Programiranje predstavlja kreiranje i izvršavanje algoritama pomoću programskih jezika. Svrha ove operacije jest da se računalu izdaju određene instrukcije, tj. kodovi koje on treba izvršiti. Ove instrukcije moraju biti veoma precizne, jer računalo ništa ne pretpostavlja, nego izvršava isključivo ono što mu je naređeno.
Programiranje je način na koji se računalu objašnjava kako će interpretirati određene informacije koje dobije od korisnika. Na ovaj način računalo će drugačije tumačiti komande koje unosimo u, na primjer, Microsoft Word od onih u nekoj videoigri. U oba slučaja možda smo pritisnuli isto dugme, ali ih programi drugačije tumače.
Through Scientix, we encourage children to:
Webinari su web-based seminari kojima su svrhe obrazovanje, demonstracija i poučavanje novih vještina. Scientix organizira jednosatne webinare na temu obrazovanja u području znanosti, tehnologija, inženjerstva i matematike. Oni su idealna prilika za Scientix-ovu zajednicu da se pobliže upozna s temama STEM obrazovanja i da ih na taj način primjeni u obrazovanju.
Webinari su otvoreni su za sve koje zanima poučavanje i učenje prirodoznanstvenih predmeta. Sudjelovanje je besplatno, ali je obvezna prijava.
For more information visit scientix-webinars
From 2013 to 2015, 29 Scientix national conferences were held in cooperation with Scientix national contact points. These events were aimed at the STEM teacher community in their countries. They usually lasted two days and attracted about 100 teachers and other experts in STEM education.
The aim of the conference is to present innovative STEM teaching methods and to introduce participants to national and European cooperation in science education policy and practice.
For more information visit
Scientix Moodle Platform Scientix offers the Moodle platform to teachers across Europe and the world to make distance learning easier in these challenging times.
You can use Scientix Moodle to share course content with your students and support your online teaching.
Explore the platform to find inspiration and check out more than 400 courses already available in different languages.
For more information visit